Descriptive file names are an important part of organizing, sharing, and keeping track of data files. Develop a naming convention based on elements that are important to the project.
File naming best practices:
- Files should be named consistently
- File names should be short but descriptive (<25 characters) (Briney)
- Avoid special characters or spaces in a file name
- Use capitals and underscores instead of periods or spaces or slashes
- Use date format ISO 8601: YYYYMMDD
- Include a canvas size in inches (8.5x11)
- Write down naming convention in data management plan
Elements to consider using in a naming convention are:
- Date of SO (putting the date YYYY>YYYYMM>YYYYMMDD for Directory Name will facilitate computer aided date sorting)
- SO Number
- Category
- Canvas Size ; Description; Order Details
- Research Data MantraFor more on file naming, including batch renaming tools, visit the Research Data Management Training module on organizing data from the University of Edinburgh.
File structure
Heirarchical file structures can add additional organization to your files. As with file naming use whatever makes most sense for your data. Some posiblities include:
- Date
- SO Number
- Category
- Canvas Size ; Description; Order Details
File Naming of S.O.'s and Order Details
File naming best practices